Legend - One Page Bootstrap TemplateEnter Your Access Code
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Here is the Text Box content:2013-1-31 13:00
Here is the Textarea content:Default text in textarea
Here is the Color Picker Hex:ffffff
Here is the Radio Value:1
Here is the Checkbox Value:
Here is the Dropdown Value:default
Here is the Date Picker Value:2013-12-27
Here is the WYSIWYG editor content:Default WYSIWYG content
Here is the Media upload path:/wp-content/plugins/landing-pages/templates/path-to-image-place-holder.png
Here is the Textarea content:Default text in textarea
Here is the Color Picker Hex:ffffff
Here is the Radio Value:1
Here is the Checkbox Value:
Here is the Dropdown Value:default
Here is the Date Picker Value:2013-12-27
Here is the WYSIWYG editor content:Default WYSIWYG content
Here is the Media upload path:/wp-content/plugins/landing-pages/templates/path-to-image-place-holder.png